Health: Podcasts on Lyme

Health_ Podcasts on Lyme

When I was first diagnosed with Lyme disease, I was so overwhelmed. All I knew about it  was that my aunt had had it in the past and that it had something to do with a tick. I didn’t know where to get information about it besides my doctor. Thankfully, my amazing husband dug into research for me, and after over a year of research, here are his favorite podcasts on Lyme Disease. These podcasts also cover other chronic illnesses and Mold Illness.


  • Revolution Health Radio with Chris Kresser – This is my husband’s favorite podcast about Lyme! It is one of the most thorough podcasts he has listened to and has a wide variety of topics from diet to supplements to Lyme. This is the quick summary of their podcast: “Revolution Health Radio debunks mainstream myths on nutrition and health and delivers cutting-edge, yet practical information on how to prevent and reverse disease naturally.”
  • The Detox, Lyme and Health Podcast with Dr. Jay Davidson – This podcast covers topics from sauna and essential oils to blood sugar disregulation and mold. It also talks about gut health, mast cell activation syndrome, and more. This is the quick summary of their podcast: “The Detox and Nutrition Coach podcast was created to Simply the Complex. If you are looking for guidance from an experienced functional medicine practitioner, #1 best selling author, ambitious speaker and sought after health coach, look no further! Dr. Jay Davidson has a focus on looking at the body as a whole, holistically with an emphasis on: adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems, Lyme disease, Heavy metal detoxification, and digestion”
  • Lyme Ninja Radio – This podcast is great because they bring in some big names in the Lyme, Mold, and chronic illness world like Shoemaker and Horowitz. Out of the podcasts listed here, this one is the most focused on Lyme Disease.
  • Living with Lyme – This podcast also covers Mold Illness, Lyme Disease, and chronic illness. It differs though in that it goes into testing for Lyme and Lyme and pregnancy.





Resources: The Gospel Coalition

The Gospel Coalition


There are a lot of hot and current topics right now that cause a lot of controversy. The recent release of shocking Planned Parenthood videos, Bruce/Caitlin Jenner’s sex change, Donald Trumps’s offensive comments. Life is busy so we don’t always get a chance to discuss these issues with those we respect and know are grounded in the truth. Instead, I am often left to scrolling through my Facebook homepage, saddened by those who hate the truth…and not sure if I should join in with those who post about the truth.

Speaking the truth in love. This matters to me. This is how I would like to discuss these issues. But I don’t always know enough about them or what the Bible says about them to feel prepared to discuss these issues.

A resource that I have found very helpful is The Gospel Coalition. I have read several articles about “hot topics” from a solid biblical perspective. Reading through these helps to jumpstart my thinking about these controversies with a biblical world view. They remind me about what matters most, the gospel, and how we live that out in the midst of these crazy times.

The Gospel Coalition also has other great articles, sermons, and books that help us to understand the Bible and how to apply it in our daily lives. I highly suggest that you explore their website.

You will be…




